Friday, March 1, 2013

We're signed up...

You may have heard about the disaster that was the registration for the Bank of America Chicago Marathon.

Well, my wife Jeannie and I were fortunate enough to have gotten in.  It was a bit of a fiasco and I was double charged and never received a confirmation e-mail, but in the end, it all worked out.

Training has gone well.

We work an unusual job (thus the lapse in blog updates).  We work for a theater company aboard a cruise ship.  It involves us living on cruise ships for four months and then heading back to Chicago for a few months and then back out to sea for another four months.

We're currently on a break, but we'll head back in a few days.

While we were on the ship, my marathon training was clipping along nicely.  I stuck my schedule and was running 5 miles on Wednesdays, 8 miles on Thursdays, 5 Miles on Saturdays and increasing my long run steadily each week.  We departed the ship on January 15th and on the 14th, I ran 18 miles.  It's the longest I've ever run.

Getting off the ship, I tapered down and am trying to run 6 or 8 miles, 3 to 4 times a week.  Once we get back on the ship, I'll bump my schedule back up to the 5, 8, 5, Long Run schedule that I grew comfortable with on the last ship.

I'll also update this more often now that we're officially headed to the marathon.  The miles are going to start accumulating once again.

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