Tuesday, April 30, 2013


We're back on the ship.

My running was great in Chicago, even though the weather was terrible. It rained almost every day we were there. I did a 14 miler and a couple of 8 milers along with my normal 6 mile runs.

On the ship, running hasn't been easy. I caught a cold and it's hindered my running quite a bit.

Also, we're on a 2 week repositioning cruise. We're going from Miami to L.A. From L.A., we'll slide up to Seattle, which will be our home port until July.

The average age of the passengers on this cruise is 67 years old. That means, if there's a 2 year old, there's a 129 year old person on board to average the age out.

These are professional cruisers. A great many of them are staying on all the way through our first trip through Alaska. That means they'll be on for 28 straight days.

These people have been on cruise ships so often that they have their routines down pat. They all get up at 6am. Eat breakfast. Go to the gym. Walk on the treadmill (at a 1.0 pace) for 30 minutes. Head out to the pool. Eat lunch. Then head to the card room to play bridge. If they don't play bridge, they go to the library to nap.

It's tough finding an open treadmill. There's a constant rotation of passengers doing their mall walking in the gym.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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