Wednesday, April 10, 2013


We're back in Chicago for 2 weeks.

The ship has gone into "Dry Dock". It's a procedure that happens every few years to a ship where they take it out of the water and do a complete maintenance on all aspects of the ship. They'll do a thorough cleaning and put down some new carpet and fix any nicks or blemishes that have come through the natural wear and tear that comes from shuffling 3,000 people on and off the ship every 7 days.

The ship we're on is fairly new and in really good shape so there's not a lot that needs to be done. It's more like a spring cleaning for them this time around.

It gives us 2 weeks off, which is fantastic.

I hit the running path yesterday and it was colder and gloomier than the sunny, hot runs I've been running the past few weeks.

And, I wouldn't have traded it for anything.

Running on that path is like putting on an old sweatshirt that you've owned for years. It feels soft, warm and comfortable and you never want to take it off.

I ran 6 miles at a 9:01 clip. I was sad when it was over.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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